Monday, February 27, 2023

John Hall's Flying Television

John Hall's Flying Television
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th February 2023.
Time is 21:23 CT.

XJ Corps.


The flying television is maintained by "Keepers of the Watch". The television is a weapon and tool, practically everything in reality can utilize its arms; Technicians can trap enemies in televised air time and space to be watched later; Players can possibly reveal enemy opponent techniques using a psuedo simulated 'war-theory computer aid';

In the simulation of the flying television, objects are shaped and function as if using the flying television as its 'fathaw'; For instance, there is an object that is held like a lantern however acts a t.v. and can trap enemies inside of it; another object is a FOOD-BASED object for a secret cult that eats edible televisions: you can guess, the television can change its appearance - this has obvious advantages. Televisions can also be used as 'doors' or 'gates' or maybe 'fences' or 'walls' ... we already knew some of this.

There is a horror in the Flying Television Simulation and it is a monster television that flies and acts like a winged dragon....


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