Sunday, March 5, 2023

John Hall's Die Conquer

John Hall's Die Conquer
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 5th March 2023.
Time is 20:04 CT.

XJ Corps.


|. On a 10 by 10 board (or other shape I determine), players start by placing die rolls from a D6 (6 sided die) onto the board at the starting sides (TBD); if you cannot determine then just use one side against another, with 20 die, or 20 D6, that had been previously rolled for value; 

|. Then using another die, the player rolls a d6 and determines which one of the 20 die he can move: for instance, if the die roll is "5" then only die with the "5" side up can move; another die can be rolled to determine how far this piece can move and in any direction or figuration, or if you want, do not roll a space die, only allow the pieces to move based on thier shown number, and roll a die to determine HOW MANY, if more than one, of these pieces can move. The two of these rules before can be combined.

|. To capture an opponent die-piece, the player piece must be larger than the number shown on the opponent die, OR there must be at least two or more die surrounding the opponent die piece with more than the opponent shown value as a sum: see figure...

Consequently, for a die of "6" to be conquered or captured, then a sum of six should be yielded by the die that surround it: only 8 die can get around one player die.

|. Die can be combined, like a "5" and a "3", to create a tank, however only after 10 of the opponent die have been captured, then only the remaining opponent die values can be used to create the player tank. Player can then use two or one die to determine which die or die tank values shown can move, however this has a disadvantage. Once again, a tank has to be overcome by the sum of the values it has with the amount of the sum of die surrounding it. Tanks can be as much as 4 die in number, in any shape, leading to the max level die number sum of "24", however tank configuration or shape can or may not keep its shape while moving across the board. Like single die, multiple tanks are allowed to attack one tank. 

|. Multiplication die can be used however if the opponent wins after opposite player declaring multiply, the opponent gets one of his die back on the board. For instance, 4 * multiply of 6 is 24 however if op die of 5 * multiply of 5 is 25, op gets one of his captured die back on board. This has its advantages.

More later..


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