Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Game Reveals Itself with Experience - Education from John Hall, XJ Corps

John Hall's The Game Reveals Itself with Experience Education
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 5th March 2023.
Time is 19:46 CT.

XJ Corps.


The game reveals itself with experience, like any teaching tool; this averts the usual mistake of too many buttons, that is displeasing to John Hall when he is looking for a geometric game design to play.

For instance, buttons or options should not appear unless they are necessary to appear, like usually Pokemon Moves are not accessible while traveling around on the map, they are only accessible during battle; This is correct when giving the player tools for the first time, the linked tools should not be shown until the 'parent', tool', exceeds or fulfills its purpose. So, in layman way of say, the buttons for play should not even appear unless the player HAS TO or is FORCED to make that choice; CHOICES SHOULD NOT BE OPTIONAL.


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