Sunday, March 5, 2023

John Hall's Supreme Authority: The King Gets Whatever He Wants - Game

John Hall's The King Gets Whatever He Wants: Supreme Authority Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 5th March 2023.
Time is 19:19 CT.

XJ Corps.


The King is the power of the game and has complete authority over every aspect of the game.. at least in his own domain. However there are at least two Kings in a game and as many Kings as there are players on the board. Each King has complete control over a property of the game UNTIL they force another King into retirement or 'EXHILE' through their manipulation of thier domain. The retired King's domain then becomes split or taken entirely by a King that is left on the board.

This system creates a sort of 'checks and balances' feeling, although like it is stated, the King can raise the value of any of his domain to an insane amount. I should give examples later.

There is more to this.


1 comment:

  1. The King can determine who loses in his domain, and who can have what he has, and this is not based on any mathematical equation or rule, except for what I stated.


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