Tuesday, February 14, 2023

John Hall's "BZ Hive Combat" - First Post

John Hall's "BZ Hive Combat" - First Post
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 14th February 2023.
Time is 18:24 CT.

XJ Corps.


Units stay in very large tower with much 'girth', keeping a population of 5000 inside, like a beehive; BZ towers are spaced wide apart as if home base or aircraft carrier; units disperse across long distance missions to compete with opponent BZ Colonies using flying vehicles like flying motorcycles or larger carrier for more cargo or units; in air combat only acceptable with limited exception (later); combat rules will be added later; units return to base completely in air or through air; BZ tower initial shape is very large rectangle cube reaching up to around 5 miles high by 3 mi wide by 3 mile long.

First Post.

A first Post could be a fuel plant or other special locative resource planted during mission.



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