Monday, February 20, 2023

John Hall's Random Man

John Hall's Random Man
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 16:16 CT.

XJ Corps.


"He puts himself in every imitation."

0.01. Random Man creates a version of himself for every video game franchise that ever existed since Halloween of 1987. For example, Random Man has created a version of himself as if he was a character for DOOM.

0.011. Random Man puts himself into every video game franchise that ever existed since Halloween of 1987, then imitates the game. For example, Sindicate, for Macintosh, now has Random Man within its imitation version.

0.0111. Random Man imitates every video game franchise with his own version of the franchise that uses similar name or exactly the same name. For example, Parasite Eve is now "Fetal Shadow"..

-Random Man.

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