Wednesday, February 15, 2023

John Hall's "Synapse of the Chorus"

John Hall's "Synapse of the Chorus"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Time is 23:09 CT.

XJ Corps.


"Birds are beings of the air."

One table has levitation properties acting as game board; pieces are FLOCKS, groups of BIRD with respective properties, and float above the one table, possibly through magnetism; holographic flocks are animated and have 'power-moves' to contest the opponents FLOCK pieces: the animations are set above the piece in real time. Within the FLOCK and the ONE TABLE is the SYNAPSE allowing for movement into designated game sectors; movement is contrived based on SONICS of the FLOCKS intermingling or interaction combined. Power is metered or correlated with "GENIUS" property of BIRD or FLOCK.


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