Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 13th February 2023.
Time is 17:18 CT.
XJ Corps.
"Jackbricks!" is based off of a random idea I had to create something from 'babies in bags'. I decided to change the bags to Christmas Presents, then added a twist, or rotation to the presents; these are called Jackbricks, and have at least 6 sides with 4 'bricks' per side that can twist to randomly open or reveal the inside 'present' or 'jack' via OPACITY or CLEAR-SIDES.
Each Jack (or battle object) has at least 5 properties, but these are main:
1. Random deviance - what number will most likely be randomly determined through force.
2. Twist number - how many twists the Jackbrick will need to unlock OPACITY or make the present wrapping clear on all sides.
3. Twist Power - this number is the maximum number of twists a jackbrick can have in a turn.
4. CLEAR Percentage - this number is the maximum percentage of jackbrick that will be revealed on first use in a battle.
5. Power - the power or points that can be used against the competitor jackbrick (present).
Jackbricks are like Christmas Presents in that they ARE WRAPPED with some 'holographic light paper' equivalent; the wrapping can have special properties to it.
Jacks inside the present cubes can change based on gameplay. There will be more about this later.
Example Transforming Christmas Present Battle.
A jackbrick with Power of 3 and Max twist value of 2 can get as much as 18 power level with limit of 6 rolls and 3 power level with 2 rolls.
A jackbrick with power of 10 and Max twist value of 4 can get as much as 60 power level with limit of 6 rolls and 10 power level with 4 rolls.
Granted, a jackbrick can be revealed on the first roll, based on random deviance, or whatever I meant. Once a jackbrick (present) is unwrapped/revealed the points it accumulated during unwrapping, that is players taking turns or simultaeneously battling in real time at the same time, are added to the opponent's points and the total is divided by two: IF THE NUMBER RESULT IS GREATER THAN THE JACKBRICK HEART FULCRUM (name pending) then the other JAckbrick is knocked out and the player takes a Jackbrick of choice under the CHRISTMAS TREE equivalent I put into the game as a way to collect jackbricks in-game.
Heart Fulcrum can be different for differen levels of Jackbrick: for instance, there can be a fulcrum with a deviance of plus or minus 5, or there can be TWO Fulcrums randomly chosen, like 4 and 17, OR there can be a fulcrum that is only advantageous to element type, etc.
Cuber Controller.
Optional cube controller is ONE Controller to control every Jackbrick holographicly sided cube figurine; jackbrick controller can also have ability to 'move' presents/jackbricks, or other controls I allow in the future.
Santa Time.
Santa is the arbiter during the game and he is sort of crazy and jolly... who knowd which player will win. Santa Time can occur sporadically however usually occurs after the half mark of the presnt unwrapping.. This can be changed later to include a past-present-future setup.
This is not finished.
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