Sunday, February 19, 2023

John Hall's The Yellow Tower

John Hall's The Yellow Tower
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 09:14 CT.

XJ Corps.


The yellow tower has a mind of its own. It built its city, or should I say, they built thier ward... The yellow tower doesn't like being abandoned; if too many people leave its camp, so to say, it will BLOWUP and kill everyone off. So, there has to be at least 1110 people in the camp; if there are any LESS, the tower will kill everyone off!

The Camp and Camp Rules for Yellow Tower.

The Yellow Tower is located in a forested area and it is nice and kind of cool and stuff. There might be four seasons, probably only two, however the YELLOW TOWER can change the image of the landscape at will; as long as the people invested in the area around the YELLOW TOWER wish it, so tower it will be.

The Yellow Tower does something like maybe hologram technology mind wishing, that is it is sort of creepy and gives its camp holograms that they want based on demographics and such...

One time, there was this dude who was super offensive; the yellow tower 'aug-managed' some monsters to kill the dude unless he left the camp!

Other things apply imaginary. The saying is which came first, the yellow tower, or the imagination? I doubt that the yellow tower is vain; who can wage war against it or who would want to....... ( ? )

-The witness of the Yellow Tower, John.

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