Tuesday, March 7, 2023

John Hall's "Alli-Borg Schmelts"

John Hall's "Alli-Borg Schmelts"
: Smells have power!
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:43 CT.

XJ Corps.


Part 1 - Introduction to SCHMELTS.

Stupid alien beings that look like spiders mixed with jellyfish float around in the air and you don't have to worry about them until you touch one; In event of SHOCK TRANSMISSION, the "Alli-Borg" grants the player its super-power called a "SCHMELT", this give the player ability to control stuff from far away and only far away, without direct contact, however under the condition that the Alli-Borg that was contracted now is never to be seen ever again. So, obviosuly this is a game about ORDER, in which case it can be considered the order all collectible SCHMELTS or Alli-Borgs be consumed.

Part 2 - Reverse Transmission AND FLOW of SCHMELT including INTERESTING SCHMELTS and how to STORE OR RECORD SCHMELTS to save for later..


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