Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 4th March 2023.
Time is 20:24 CT.
XJ Corps.
Oh hello, this is John. I wanted to create a different game that I have not done before and not finish the details so I decided to do something different, with full circle, or whatever I meant. Initially, I attempted to create a puzzle game and this is still up to debate, however everyone knows there is no real GAME, so how to create something of value, and what is the purpose of this in the finality of whatever I can do?
Photo of some game or whatever that I created today:
Brief Information.
This information is not final and can be changed later. There are ELEPHANT pieces, these are "Mammoths", they can be used to control the CORE OF PEACE, also they can move around. From the elephant BODIES, Play-Doh can be taken and used to fill ONE OF THE SIX SECTORS of the round with its body, and these are called BIRDS; there is incentive to use all of the elephant and to not use all of it, the play-doh, however that is not figured yet..
Later: Why is checks and balances useful? Maybe I should make a game that is entirely unfair. That would be cool.......
There are cards or other collectible game piece of like: PROPERTIES::
1. Yellow --->> Ecxstacy or Eternality, White or Invisible --->> Nuetral or Omni or Both sides, Blue --->> Pain or Death.
2. Number level or powers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
3. Silent Combat OR Voice
4. Sacrifice Level or Amount: this allows the card to be sacrificed for some birds or elephant to move a sector on the round (board).
5. Barter / Trade value: this allows the card, if it is not valueable or if it is useless, to be traded for a more valueable card, like one that has the correct properties on it.
The cards can be 'activated' with the right collection of birds in any sector.
Card Types.
The cards are either for PEACE through COMBAT or PEACE through VOICE and these fall into a ideological spectrum of ETERNITY versus DEATH.
A card title can be like, "MARXIIUNM", that is the waging of PEACE through VOICE and COMBAT, that falls into the WHIHT (white) -INVISIBLE MAMMOTH range on the spectrum:
Photo from the author.
Rolling the Die.
One through Six grants the player control over a sector of placed pieces based on die roll (d6). For instance, a die roll of "6" allows sector 6 on the ROUND to be manipulated. Also, die roll can control specific board piece, i.e. a "4" die roll can control a piece that only can be moved with that number, 6 for 6, 5 for 5, etc. This is an opportunity to create unique board pieces based from or for die number.
Later Notes.
Author wishes to include previous viking theory that allows second most powerful piece or card to combat hit or voice 'persuasion' value with a level, like "counter-level: 10 hits": this means that before the player uses the mammoth to challege the opponent, the secondary character piece can automatically wage PEACE against the opponent..
Wait. This part pending..
The mammoth is an illusion, it's just a bunch of birds controlling it..