Saturday, March 11, 2023

John Hall's Trap Hole Simulation

John Hall's Trap Hole Simulation
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 11th March 2023.
Time is 10:51 CT.

XJ Corps.


Part 1.

Holes are used as powerful subjects and are rarely seen; suffice, objects can tell where they are at and even can see without 'holes', however holes are used to trap the individual and only trap: once the hole is seen, some event of transportation happens. The way out is a hole, however it is not a way to the place where the hole started, only a tunnel to the next place, and there is no escaping, a hole within a hole within a hole within a hole.

Part 2.

Holes are used as traps in some sort of contest.. Even the center of an IRIS may be deemed a trap hole, any type of hole. What is a hole? Can a hole be light colored? Can a hole be flat? These things must be questioned or defined for the ultimat trap hole video game.

Part 3.

The trap video game using holes! Player collects different hole types and traps or whatever I meant, and uses them to trap things... there is room for abstract holes, for instance a hole that can be drawn on a surface, or a cartoon hole that works like a real 3D hole.


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 The bunny rabbit was so amazing that he needed a hole in the wall in order to get to the cemetery so what it had to do was it was so omnisc...