Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Abundant Unkown

The Abundant Unknown

At a time something is discovered about Earth, something new is created and unknown. An ideal reality is to create abundant resource for mystery or the unknown. This is useful and ideal because if the planet we live on or experience is never fully known, then one cannot use it to enslave every person.

For instance, there is always a place that I have never experienced, even if I knew the entire map of the galaxy. However, if I encountered new territory, something new would take its place in the catalogue of mysteries.

Now, hide those things from yourself or from the enemy by creating a copy in a new way... this is how it has been..

Movie Idea.

"The code presents itself through everything, however we don't really know what it is .... what its value is, it can be pinpointed, however the true nature does not reveal itself because it has been separated from the actual meaning."


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