Sunday, March 5, 2023

What is War?

What is War? Here is a thought.

In its ultimate form WAR is the the body of the COMMANDER and CHIEF. So, to say, a chief could compare to another 'leader', in war, however all stems from the only WAR, the only and ONE COMMANDER. There really is no copy or clone or immitation.

In its greatest image, nothing can pain himself, the master and COMMANDER of WAR, not even himself.

Okay, now listen to this.. Here it say: 

"The LORD is eminently a Man of War, as He is the Chief and absolute Monarch & Commander of all the Creatures which He has made. The LORD He is GOD; He hath made all Things, and for His Pleasure and Glory they are and were Created."

I got that from somewhere else.

-Theo Rthur.

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