Tuesday, February 14, 2023

John Hall's 'DEMOTION' Notes

John Hall's 'DEMOTION' Notes
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 14th February 2023.
Time is 14:40 CT.

XJ Corps.


According to what I was educated, 'emotion' is a learned behavior. The most natural form of behavior is without regard to elements of praise; What video game can convert without emotion (praise)? This is called "DEMOTION".

Student/Teacher: "Maybe.. .    .     .  emotion was created by a .. demon...... for the purpose of .... enslavement?"

Sense/Master: "A Lord knoweth wacky ways of controlling subjects; even enemies are swayed by powerful illusion. So, maybe HE should not copulate much with a thief.."


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