Tuesday, February 14, 2023

John Hall's "The X Jr. Show": Episode Unknown

John Hall's "The X Jr. Show": Episode Uknown
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 14th February 2023.
Time is 14:49 CT.

XJ Corps.


"What would it be like to live in the ideal world? Perhaps I am prince ALLTIME, ultimate reigner and glory of ... blue beings that dance really cool and silly and stuff. ...

I descend the staircase upon the enter of the realm of ... blue people who dance and await my arrival PERFECTUS! They, the audience... blue people (again) - a myriad of programmable spirit stuff or whatever I mean, well they are cool and they listen to whatever I tell them.

Woa! I have a crown and a cape.. and .............................




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