Tuesday, February 14, 2023

John Hall's STUPID ORGASM Sex Card Game

John Hall's STUPID ORGASM Sex Card Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is 14th February 2023.
Time is 14:58 CT.

XJ Corps.


What ails Young Man? He wished to mix with feminine his like; set up the symetrical with my CARD GAME OF DATE MINGLE... and STUPID!

Something, How.

Players use cards with stats on them, similar to basketball cards, that have characters on them that can be based off of REAL LEGENDARY or POPULAR things; these characters have SATISTICS matching their ROMANCE or SEX-LOVE PROFILE including the power to induce orgasm. The cards pass a'spin the bottle-like' object back and forth between each 'playable card character' until GOAL or 'MATCH' has been met, inducing "STUPID ORGASM".

Something, Play.

The entire of the electronic verion of this, yes, it should use HEARTS or other icon of love (or sex). I was thinking a STUPID HEART WITH A LIGHTNING BOLT GOING THROUGH IT.

The elctronic card will be created and used and I think it could be innovative considering the circuit is quite thin inside of the card itself; Setting cards ontop of flat surface, or in other words "playing them", activates a 'stimulus' in the 'orgasm device of the other player' .. this is kind of STUPID.

Something, Story.

'Legend has it that a "LOVAh" wanted her perfect mate. She was a very wealthy, "LOVAh".. So, she paid for and enlisted the greatest minds of the UNIVERSE, or something STUPID, to find her perfect match. To do this, the assembly setup a VERY GRAND REAL ILLUSION so real that it would KILL OFF MOST OF THE POPULATION OF THE REALITY CREATED FROM ITS PREMISE; even the people paid to act, some of them perished and went to another place.. or something.

A campaign this contrived and controlled, with millions of participants, should not have failed its purpose, RIGHT..?' (STUPID)

More details changed, later.


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