Saturday, February 18, 2023

John Hall's Echo: The Reign of Hitler Never Ends

John Hall's Echo: The Reign of Hitler Never Ends
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 10:31 CT.

XJ Corps.

Echo is a play on the word "Halo". This is also a military game, however I think mine is better than the other one.

The reign of a potentate spans more than one dimension or reallm of living; For a very powerful war-lord, his effect goes into the thousands of near-equal scenaries that can be invaded and experienced with REAL PEOPLE in them; these people can or can not be targets or subjects of rescue. This game is about completing 1000 scenarios of Hitler's Reign; player can be militant group, completing miliatry 'runs' using a 'time-loop': if the militant is blown up or injured the mission is reversed to original time-start;

There is more to this later.


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