Saturday, February 18, 2023

John Hall's "Instantaneous"

John Hall's "Instantaneous"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 10:22 CT.

XJ Corps.


Instantaneous: the player enters the scene; player goes back in time with objective to fulfill 'report'; Reports start out easy, then get difficult or are bassed on other objectives as game progresses. Example: John wants a birthday cake in his freezer -------> INSTANTANEOUS! he is transfered to a vision lucid 'cater', that is an expericence that is seemingly real enough to have consequence of real action, so if it had happened based on cause and effect, the past can be completed after the present wish: therefore, in order to get the birthday cake into his freezer INSTANTANEOUSLY (a split second), John goes to 'cater vision' (past), and manipualtes the 'strings' using alternate aliases, human and non-human, to get the cake there; After returning to the scene, memory is 'fissioned': "It was all a blurry memory" ---  John opens the freezer and the cake is in there. Player goes to next objective. Game uses cool blurr vision while completing a report, or whatever I want to call it.


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