Saturday, February 18, 2023

John Hall's "KeyQuest"

John Hall's "KeyQuest" Version 1.0
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 17:44 CT.

XJ Corps.


Shapes based on key-system allow the player to get across 'key-space'; Player can collect these keys and use them arbitrarily.

|. Choose key 'shapes': key shapes can be randomly chosen based on set or deck, etc. and can only have a set number, eg. random number of 11 keys can be combined to create a matrix (array); random index from matrix is chosen for the key-shape.

|. Random spin or contrived spin of 'shape'.

|. Setup of shape onto key-space.

|. Movement of VEHICLE across key-space.

|.First person to next domain in keyspace grants other player a 'snare-key', allowing it to be used whenever the othe rplayer wants.

|. Additional prizes remain on board for  completed objectives.

Key Domains.

Key domains are sectors in key-space; these can be based form a theme, like FIRE AND ICE, etc.

Direction of Travel.

Keyspace Direction of travel is anything I want. Additional Content applies.


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