The bunny rabbit was so amazing that he needed a hole in the wall in order to get to the cemetery so what it had to do was it was so omniscient it silently concocted a scenario to where the grave keeper would have to open a hole in the wall in order for the bunny rabbit to get in and out of the cemetery for obvious reasons for bunny rabbit business in order to do that he was so omissant he created scenario the grape keeper would create a hole in the fence for some reason probably or whatever I mean these are notes these are notes by John I'm supposed to add this to that other video game idea
John Randall's Blog B
DISCLAIMER - By using this blog, you agree with the following: Unless stated, all content presented at this blog is not for sale; This blog is strictly the property, right, sole opinion or craft of John Edward Hall, and may not be used outside of the original presented format. Information is copyright and can be changed at any time. The author has full right to the likeness of the article or content posted and is the creator of the content posted. Whatever is posted is entirely correct. -John.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Saturday, March 11, 2023
John Hall's Comet Backwards
John Hall's Comet Backwards
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 11th MArch 2023.
Time is 11:20 CT.
XJ Corps.
A comet is being watched travel through the sky in backwards time-motion. It is either:
|. Traveling through the sky in reverse time.
|. Traveling through the sky slower than the earth, so it seems like it is going backwards.
Who is to say we are not watching the Universe go backwards through time instead of forwards.
This reveals the origin of the center of the universe comes from outside of the center, not from the center itself; galaxies and stars do not appear until they are close to the Ultimate Attractor (attraction).
"They sort of appear once they get to the object of attraction. They sort of become apparent like they start glowin gor something."
What is the Ultimate Attractor, the object or being of attraction?
"I think it could be a livign being ,however it could be invisible... Like i said, the universe did not start at a center, it ends at a center and starts with a void of... stuff. This stuff is collected or something and is like honed into the being becuase it siphons it into itself, or aroun ditself, liek a garbage collector. So, if they say the universe is expanding, then we are watching the reverse time-lapse of the end of teh universe, or we are in a vaccum bewteen two ends of extremity."
Allergic to Incorrect English
Allergic to Incorrect English
Copyright © John Edward Hall 2023.
Today is Saturday 11th March 2023.
Time is 11:15 CT.
XJ Corps.
"I told her to write it correctly.. I said write it down exactly as I tell you..."
A person commits homicide through finding that a rare group of ultre-dimensional beings on the planet is allergic to incorrect english.
This was started since the accident where a person was charged with homicide for purposefully changing the words around after broadcasting a message because she had a grudge or whatever I meant against someone and it is not my biggest problem.
The Abundant Unkown
The Abundant Unknown
For instance, there is always a place that I have never experienced, even if I knew the entire map of the galaxy. However, if I encountered new territory, something new would take its place in the catalogue of mysteries.
Now, hide those things from yourself or from the enemy by creating a copy in a new way... this is how it has been..
Movie Idea.
"The code presents itself through everything, however we don't really know what it is .... what its value is, it can be pinpointed, however the true nature does not reveal itself because it has been separated from the actual meaning."
John Hall's Hot Air-Balloon Airdeck Airship With Sail
John Hall's Hot Air-balloon Airdeck Airship With Sail
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 11th March 2023.
Time is 11:02 CT.
XJ Corps.
Hot air balloon technology inspires a 4 to 5 point hot air balloon or equivalent floating deck; the deck is a ship with sails or a sail attached and somehow I can steer it; ship can be anchored with a half-mile to two mile in length chain. Air balloons attached at points of the ship are heated with traditional hot air balloon igniteable gas.
John Hall's Trap Hole Simulation
John Hall's Trap Hole Simulation
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 11th March 2023.
Time is 10:51 CT.
XJ Corps.
Part 1.
Holes are used as powerful subjects and are rarely seen; suffice, objects can tell where they are at and even can see without 'holes', however holes are used to trap the individual and only trap: once the hole is seen, some event of transportation happens. The way out is a hole, however it is not a way to the place where the hole started, only a tunnel to the next place, and there is no escaping, a hole within a hole within a hole within a hole.
Part 2.
Holes are used as traps in some sort of contest.. Even the center of an IRIS may be deemed a trap hole, any type of hole. What is a hole? Can a hole be light colored? Can a hole be flat? These things must be questioned or defined for the ultimat trap hole video game.
Part 3.
The trap video game using holes! Player collects different hole types and traps or whatever I meant, and uses them to trap things... there is room for abstract holes, for instance a hole that can be drawn on a surface, or a cartoon hole that works like a real 3D hole.
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
John Hall's Invisible Material Tentacle
John Hall's Invisible Material Tentacle
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 12:41 CT.
XJ Corps.
Using invisible string, a material is made that is controlled with a 'response system'; invisible system pics up objects as heavy as 15 lbs. and as far as 6 feet away at least 6 feet into the air. Material can be used to reflect light invisibly.
John Hall's String-drone Complex
John Hall's String-drone Complex
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 12:22 CT.
XJ Corps.
Super Magnetic platform caters users with magentic-apparell and is facing upside down; on platform is centrifuge of string 'appendix'; autonmated robotic string-drones, that is they are attached to the string, respond to user command, however only float based on the string they are attached to: they do not float naturally, only change the length of the string and can swing to any direction they want; this is like trapez circus performers.
I can change this to anything I like.
"I already knew you would say that." Video Game Idea
"I already knew you would say that"
The Clairvoyant Body-Guard already knew the enemy would say that. Why is the enemy visiting her doom daily? Thanks for the guard! Clairvoyance is a bitch.
"Get out of here."
What interesting video game idea can someone who is not me create from this post? I did not share this with anyone BUTT my Linkedin connections....
One point perspective turns into 1000 point perspective.
One point perspective turns into 1000 point perspective.
X Jr. imagines a demon; Non-consent viewing party augments X Jr.'s imagination into a gay insane product that has real-life consequences.
John Hall's Additions to JH Chess
John Hall's Additions to JH Chess
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:53 CT.
XJ Corps.
I will add these things to my JH Chess Blog or site later.
|. Reflection Chess.
Excited level: 3.
Info: Using mirrors we play chess. Anytype of mirror setup can be used, including creative use of 2-way or One-way mirrors, and of course mirror or reflective pieces.
|. Battleship Chess.
Excited level: 1.
Info: Play chess like battleship or something, or whatever I want in the FUTURE.
John Hall's Magnetic Play-D
John Hall's Magnetic Play-D
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:49 CT.
XJ Corps.
Clay or wheat paralell contains small magnetic pieces or something, I dont know I'll just throw it together and see what happens, then use it as a toy.
John Hall's Cube-Line Travel Game
John Hall's Cube-Line Travel Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:43 CT.
XJ Corps.
Cube cross-planes are rolled out one by one; players take turns connecting lines on the flat planes; the cross planes that are flat are then rolled into a cube and put into three-dimensional space; the player that gets to the planned space first wins the contest; game moves to next stage, round, or part; a really cool movie story line or script can be included. Shut the fuck up in the library.
John Hall's "Alli-Borg Schmelts"
John Hall's "Alli-Borg Schmelts"
: Smells have power!
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:43 CT.
XJ Corps.
Part 1 - Introduction to SCHMELTS.
Stupid alien beings that look like spiders mixed with jellyfish float around in the air and you don't have to worry about them until you touch one; In event of SHOCK TRANSMISSION, the "Alli-Borg" grants the player its super-power called a "SCHMELT", this give the player ability to control stuff from far away and only far away, without direct contact, however under the condition that the Alli-Borg that was contracted now is never to be seen ever again. So, obviosuly this is a game about ORDER, in which case it can be considered the order all collectible SCHMELTS or Alli-Borgs be consumed.
Part 2 - Reverse Transmission AND FLOW of SCHMELT including INTERESTING SCHMELTS and how to STORE OR RECORD SCHMELTS to save for later..
John Hall's Dream Interpretor Notesbook
John Hall's Dream Interpretor Notesbook
Copryight © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:34 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is XJ Corps dream interpretor from the creator of XJ Corps;
John Hall's CORRAL
John Hall's CORRAL
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 11:30 CT.
XJ Corps.
Ray beings' are fished for in outer-space', a dimension of beings that look like maybe Microsoft Windows XP Screen saver lines, or whatever I want; in obtaining these beings, or 'caputring them' because we asked them to be captured, and we did not touch them at all or manipulate them with our own HANDS, we translate to the paralell reality in a void of space or noise; a blank garden, with the being persuaded into entering my garden, it can be planted into the 'corral', that is a tree-flower-plant looking thing, adn I can tell it what to do and stuff and this makes for a cool video game; Like sunflowers, the head of the 'corral' can be composed of like 100 screen-saver-beings from outer-reach (space) and this corral can interact with other corrals; as usual because of DAEMONOLOGY, the shape of the corral is determined through the beings inhabited in its head, or not.
One thing that is interesting is the way a corral interacts with other corrals that can be randomly 'seeded' around our own; for instance, the corral can feel another corral nearby and do something about it or it can feel a corral from farther distance: this means CORRALS can be SYNERGETIC. Other things can be added later.
John Hall's Jungle Gym World
John Hall's Jungle Gym World
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 7th March 2023.
Time is 10:57 CT.
XJ Corps.
Jungle Gym World, Volume One, lets game players traverse across large jungle gyms using the controller or other device in order to complete contest objectives; Jungle Gyms inside jungle gym world are based from real-life jungle gyms with additional video game construction included.
Sunday, March 5, 2023
John Hall's Die Conquer
John Hall's Die Conquer
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 5th March 2023.
Time is 20:04 CT.
XJ Corps.
|. On a 10 by 10 board (or other shape I determine), players start by placing die rolls from a D6 (6 sided die) onto the board at the starting sides (TBD); if you cannot determine then just use one side against another, with 20 die, or 20 D6, that had been previously rolled for value;
|. Then using another die, the player rolls a d6 and determines which one of the 20 die he can move: for instance, if the die roll is "5" then only die with the "5" side up can move; another die can be rolled to determine how far this piece can move and in any direction or figuration, or if you want, do not roll a space die, only allow the pieces to move based on thier shown number, and roll a die to determine HOW MANY, if more than one, of these pieces can move. The two of these rules before can be combined.
|. To capture an opponent die-piece, the player piece must be larger than the number shown on the opponent die, OR there must be at least two or more die surrounding the opponent die piece with more than the opponent shown value as a sum: see figure...
Consequently, for a die of "6" to be conquered or captured, then a sum of six should be yielded by the die that surround it: only 8 die can get around one player die.
|. Die can be combined, like a "5" and a "3", to create a tank, however only after 10 of the opponent die have been captured, then only the remaining opponent die values can be used to create the player tank. Player can then use two or one die to determine which die or die tank values shown can move, however this has a disadvantage. Once again, a tank has to be overcome by the sum of the values it has with the amount of the sum of die surrounding it. Tanks can be as much as 4 die in number, in any shape, leading to the max level die number sum of "24", however tank configuration or shape can or may not keep its shape while moving across the board. Like single die, multiple tanks are allowed to attack one tank.
|. Multiplication die can be used however if the opponent wins after opposite player declaring multiply, the opponent gets one of his die back on the board. For instance, 4 * multiply of 6 is 24 however if op die of 5 * multiply of 5 is 25, op gets one of his captured die back on board. This has its advantages.
More later..
The Game Reveals Itself with Experience - Education from John Hall, XJ Corps
John Hall's The Game Reveals Itself with Experience Education
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 5th March 2023.
Time is 19:46 CT.
XJ Corps.
The game reveals itself with experience, like any teaching tool; this averts the usual mistake of too many buttons, that is displeasing to John Hall when he is looking for a geometric game design to play.
For instance, buttons or options should not appear unless they are necessary to appear, like usually Pokemon Moves are not accessible while traveling around on the map, they are only accessible during battle; This is correct when giving the player tools for the first time, the linked tools should not be shown until the 'parent', tool', exceeds or fulfills its purpose. So, in layman way of say, the buttons for play should not even appear unless the player HAS TO or is FORCED to make that choice; CHOICES SHOULD NOT BE OPTIONAL.
John Hall's Supreme Authority: The King Gets Whatever He Wants - Game
John Hall's The King Gets Whatever He Wants: Supreme Authority Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 5th March 2023.
Time is 19:19 CT.
XJ Corps.
The King is the power of the game and has complete authority over every aspect of the game.. at least in his own domain. However there are at least two Kings in a game and as many Kings as there are players on the board. Each King has complete control over a property of the game UNTIL they force another King into retirement or 'EXHILE' through their manipulation of thier domain. The retired King's domain then becomes split or taken entirely by a King that is left on the board.
This system creates a sort of 'checks and balances' feeling, although like it is stated, the King can raise the value of any of his domain to an insane amount. I should give examples later.
There is more to this.
Possible Blogs to Create
Possible blogs John has to create:
Excited level: 8.
Info: Overtake roads on a map through securing them at checkpoints (nodes); Circuit of roads conquers entire territories. Militant units, or PICS, have unique abilities allowing them to counter opponent strategy.
Excited level: 5.
|. Tower Ward.
Excited level: ??
|. X Jr. Show - The Adventures of John Randall.
Excited level: ??
|. JH Chess.
Excited level: 6.
Info: Space chess is the x, y, and z coordinate system for translation of a chess piece (with value heirarchy) through 3D space inside of a visual flat screen or other render. Thus the ELEMENTAL chess piece, with special or super powers, can attack, like an RPG character, from far away until the chipping of the alternate piece nullifies it and the 3D space is overtaken. In JH Chess, Pieces can attack from farther away, there can be at least 3 domains of space in one board or game with abstract uses, there is SIMULTANEOUS CHESS (piece literally move at the same time: if they cross then they are compared), and chess pieces are imaginative and based from fictional or fantasy information..
|. XJ Corps High Throw.
Excited level: 2.
Info: Math has its purpose in the calculation of air-projectiles and this is uniquely meshed with martial arts.
JING - Book of Idols - LETTER to the God
Dear Lord, please help John Hall and Friends be free from drug adversity, intoxication or unwanted intoxication and effects. Sincerely, John Edward Randall
Lord, John Hall expressed that he did not want to be intoxicated and that it is painful and unecessary for him to be a better person.
Lord, John Hall wishes that you could help him remove the effects of unwanted intoxication so that he can function at his best
Lord, the enemy acts like a baby. Please arrest the enemy and stop him or her from continuing to waste my time
Lord, you are with me, even in my last memory
My most recent memory and time and imagination
Lord, I act as you act, as a MAN OF WAR
Lord, overcome Death in my honor, as you already have, Lord of the Dead, and raise me if this feat shall befall me
Lord, in my honor do unto those as they have done to me
-JING, John Isn't God :: Book of Idols
JING - "Idols", Verse 1.
John Isn't God - Book of Idols.
1. "Meter your time and a code is formed."
For John, the author, is not God, and to say he is God really pisses him off.
John is so pissed off you called him God, he wrote this for himself.
Do not confuse your God with Idols.
The Faggot in the Hallway Called me A NAME.
I hate this faggot in my apartment, and I am not blaming myself. I wish he would stop talking to me. He acts like a faggot in the hallway. Man, I need to move eventually.
The Origin and the Original Right
Does a creator share rights with the origin of reality?
If the Origin were intelligent and thought as a student or teacher or even master of an artform, if the Origin created science, does HE have the right to use ALL THINGS WITH ITS LABEL or that have been inspired through HIS DISCOVERY?
The first question allows all of us to use content freely if we want even without reason or just because we want to.
How can anyone be liable for something someone else created?
What is War?
What is War? Here is a thought.
In its ultimate form WAR is the the body of the COMMANDER and CHIEF. So, to say, a chief could compare to another 'leader', in war, however all stems from the only WAR, the only and ONE COMMANDER. There really is no copy or clone or immitation.
In its greatest image, nothing can pain himself, the master and COMMANDER of WAR, not even himself.
Okay, now listen to this.. Here it say:
"The LORD is eminently a Man of War, as He is the Chief and absolute Monarch & Commander of all the Creatures which He has made. The LORD He is GOD; He hath made all Things, and for His Pleasure and Glory they are and were Created."
I got that from somewhere else.
-Theo Rthur.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
John Hall's LORDNETT
John Hall's LORDNETT
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 4th March 2023.
Time is 20:58 CT.
XJ Corps.
How to make a lord profitable? LORDNETT is lords obtained through what and what is this even useful for?
Why do we need LORDS in any philosophy?
It is easy to see, MONEY is a LORD. Therefore, whoever can give MONEY shall be deemed a LORD, at least someway.
Now, I will reverse it. There is one who can survive without money, and he is LORD. Therefore, education can be considered lord, that is knowledge or something through experience, also smarts or wisdom, or maybe LORD is the term for SOCIETY*.
* This is because society survives no matter what or something or whatever I meant, even without money, and also, it is society in itself that is the wisest of itself. However another society impeding on the first, can far exceed in talent or superiority or even weight (gravity??) (See, John Hall's Ultimate Premise)..
John Hall's Non-Lethal Pain-Shot Pistol
John Hall's Non-Lethal Pain-Shot Pistol
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 4th March 2023.
Time is 20:52 CT.
XJ Corps.
This looks like something like a gun or pistol; the user pulls a trigger and sets a FAKE OR PSUEDO FLAME LIGHT EXPERIENCE into the TARGETTED INDIVIDUAL or OPPONENT; the person targetted recieves a NON-LETHAL and PAINFUL FIRE-LIKE symptom that rescinds within seconds after the person is shot; There is a holographic-like FIRE that sticks to the target during 'transmission phase', then it sort-of vanishes or whatever I meant.
There is currently no animation or video for this.
John Hall's Shot Searcher Game Idea
John Hall's Shot Searcher Game Idea
Copyright © 2023 John Edward HallToday is Saturday 4th March 2023.
Time is 20:39 CT.
XJ Corps.
Archer shoots arrow with a property on the tip of it into an object; Archer collects object as a field unit or body-guard if it is conquered through arch-shot; if body-guard is already present, when arrow is shot, body-guard uses property of shot-arrow respective to itself to interact with the object the arrow had infiltrated;
Archer can collect many units, body-guards, around itself; To ask is to shoot an arrow; body-guards are 'aides' following the course of the arrow to achieve resolution or solution; DESIGNS, I don't know, are something artistic or something or whatever I want, later.
John Hall's Core of Peace
John Hall's Core of Peace
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 4th March 2023.
Time is 20:24 CT.
XJ Corps.
Oh hello, this is John. I wanted to create a different game that I have not done before and not finish the details so I decided to do something different, with full circle, or whatever I meant. Initially, I attempted to create a puzzle game and this is still up to debate, however everyone knows there is no real GAME, so how to create something of value, and what is the purpose of this in the finality of whatever I can do?
Photo of some game or whatever that I created today:
Brief Information.
This information is not final and can be changed later. There are ELEPHANT pieces, these are "Mammoths", they can be used to control the CORE OF PEACE, also they can move around. From the elephant BODIES, Play-Doh can be taken and used to fill ONE OF THE SIX SECTORS of the round with its body, and these are called BIRDS; there is incentive to use all of the elephant and to not use all of it, the play-doh, however that is not figured yet..
Later: Why is checks and balances useful? Maybe I should make a game that is entirely unfair. That would be cool.......
There are cards or other collectible game piece of like: PROPERTIES::
1. Yellow --->> Ecxstacy or Eternality, White or Invisible --->> Nuetral or Omni or Both sides, Blue --->> Pain or Death.
2. Number level or powers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
3. Silent Combat OR Voice
4. Sacrifice Level or Amount: this allows the card to be sacrificed for some birds or elephant to move a sector on the round (board).
5. Barter / Trade value: this allows the card, if it is not valueable or if it is useless, to be traded for a more valueable card, like one that has the correct properties on it.
The cards can be 'activated' with the right collection of birds in any sector.
Card Types.
The cards are either for PEACE through COMBAT or PEACE through VOICE and these fall into a ideological spectrum of ETERNITY versus DEATH.
A card title can be like, "MARXIIUNM", that is the waging of PEACE through VOICE and COMBAT, that falls into the WHIHT (white) -INVISIBLE MAMMOTH range on the spectrum:
Photo from the author.
Rolling the Die.
One through Six grants the player control over a sector of placed pieces based on die roll (d6). For instance, a die roll of "6" allows sector 6 on the ROUND to be manipulated. Also, die roll can control specific board piece, i.e. a "4" die roll can control a piece that only can be moved with that number, 6 for 6, 5 for 5, etc. This is an opportunity to create unique board pieces based from or for die number.
Later Notes.
Author wishes to include previous viking theory that allows second most powerful piece or card to combat hit or voice 'persuasion' value with a level, like "counter-level: 10 hits": this means that before the player uses the mammoth to challege the opponent, the secondary character piece can automatically wage PEACE against the opponent..
Wait. This part pending..
Friday, March 3, 2023
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 3rd March 2023.
Time is 15:57 CT.
XJ Corps.
A person signs up to be an actor on stage called, "a player"; however once he goes off stage, the rules of the stage go with him. Introducing, John Hall's "STAGE RULES".
Keywords: magical-script, x-marks-the-spot, exit-stage-right, etc.
John Hall's Life-Animus Movie Technique
John Hall's Life-Animus Movie Technique
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 3rd March 2023.
Time is 15:48 CT.
XJ Corps.
Uh, well I would like to tell you a technique I have for movies or video games or animated simulations, etc. Well this is kind of interesting.
A reality can exist from bodies moving and these can have and identification that is recognized of themself uniquely and contrived through the entire script.
However, this technique idealizes the experience of first impression; the impression is not against the audience, it is against the best version of the body itself assessing the audience member to represnet itself in thebest way and without dependency on any other scene or moment throughout any of the script. Like one philosopher say,
"Every conversation is a new opportunity and not an old one; every conversation is a different way to experience the future."
The scene (or set) is alive in itself and only in itself. All other scenes do not have anything in common with themselves, even though they look similar.
Why is this advantageous:
1. It presents the BEST form of the cinematic to the audience, instead of a repeated or ongoing property that had been diminished through use.
2. It is cool, and I said it is cool. So fuck yourself.
3. The scene is literally alive: I can do things with this with my own daemonology education.
John Hall's I TOLD YOU SO
John Hall's I TOLD YOU SO
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 3rd March 2023.
Time is 15:29 CT.
XJ Corps.
The notes of "Junkrdecripbt": Stuff that he will write with - WHEN WRITING WAS GAY [lightning and thunder in the background]:
'Program is looking like a light-spectral semi-ghost morphing or shape-changing..
1. Hologram is another word for program with code.. hologram can take on any 'skin', 'shell', or body hoever remain true to its intended purpose or code, from a "father".. (author?):::
2. Program has a code to it. Behavior of person is compliant with code.. Possible for person to go outside of code negligible.
3. Program is code is time of person is memory of person is physical counterpart or exactly the same thing as all of these; .. visual spectrum of time, or visual representation, however shape-shifting... Possibility for expiration of life-shape or code.
4. When creator is the ultimate author or will of the hologram, he can vicariously rule over all of them: ....
"Tell anyone of my holograms that offend you too greatly that they will die in 7 days.."
Not only, the hologram with granted authorship has the EXACT RIGHT OF THE FATHER, ONCE THE FATHER GRANTS IT, even if verbally, if this is what I speak (?):::
5. 'Nemen' is the term for the exact copy of the hologram, however there is a problem: how does the hologram reproduce itself if it only has a set-limit to itself: i.e. if Nemen is the chunk-of hologram that acts the same as the "Father" how does the original hologram fill this in, if it does not, how does it continue to exist at the same level or intensity or even VOLUME OR SHAPE.. (other things I had not mentioned).
6. Robots must be the carrier of Nemen or Nemen must replenish itself, otherwise there should be a serious consequence for the hologram continually giving off its nemen (why would this be so?):::'
John Hall's Play-Doh STOP
John Hall's Play-Doh STOP
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 3rd March 2023.
Time is 15:17 CT.
XJ Corps.
The purpose of this post is to tell you about Play-Doh STOP, a game created by John Hall, owner of It uses Play-Doh, that is the children's safe to use molding material, and an android cell phone that has a camera on it. Let's get to the details!!
Weights and Scales.
Oh, so I thought it would be cool to use a scale and weights, however the weights must be based from the screen area the play-doh takes up. this is based from the pixel area (computer graphics and canvas) on the HTML camera pickup. Obviously, there may be some problem attempting to set this up (since this is antiquated technology).
SO, I use the pixel area based on the color and 'drop-off' of what I am calling the GRAVITY of the play-doh on scree; once this is determined with the code, we set up a function to battle YOUR PLAYDOH ("PD") Gravity versus the oponnent PDG; HOWEVER this also includes cool things like:
|. Custom play-doh shape that player creates and can be used to battle the other player.
|. Custom color or color combination.
|. A combination of shape and color and PDG.
The scale is set and once again, ACTION requires another ACTION from the opponent. IF THE FINALITY OF DESIGN or REQUIREMENT FOR END-GAME HAS NOT BEEN MET, ACTION and REACTION is repeated. In this case, we could add augmented play-doh reality with 'animated screen-over the play-doh recognition';
Such a simple way to know how to make any game!
Monday, February 27, 2023
John Hall's Bowling Pin Dice Game
John Hall's Bowling Pin Dice Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th Februrary 2023.
Time is 21:57 CT.
XJ Corps.
Bowling Pins are made from silicon mold clear plastic with 8 equal sides and tapered to the top at a plateua, similar to a truncated pyramid however shaped like a bowling pin; the bowling pins can be selected at random and have sides with prizes or values on them, similar to a dice with numbers on it. Bowling pins have more functions than what I mentioned.
There is more about this later.
John Hall's "I, Architectics."
John Hall's "I, Architectics."
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th February 2023.
Time is 21:38 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is the reallm of Architectics, where Architecture and Person are combined.
This is an ideal version for a real reality however it may seem strange for the regular human; See, there are regular beings that are basically somehow looking like cathedrals and they are the bodies of the persons, they basically are the persons. The cathedral looking bodies basically have a blue-print or something, however I have not figured how they work.. Rooms or 'units' within the Cathedral-looking person are inhabited by like, 'alien-looking' souls or spirits that keep after the body of the person; the person can invite the spirit-alien-beings into his haus, and the person cannot live without them or he can, however he would be like an "empty-nest" or some crap like that.. hee hee. Here is something: the material used to make the cathedral-body are maybd biological -life-like in that the 'bricks' or "building blocks" also have life-force to them, however they are NOT the human cell.
Question: Do the alien-spirit-inhabitants of the cathedral-person, the architectus, are they the same as the architect himself and does this affect branches of the reality outside of the walls of the person?
This could make a video game.
John Hall's Flying Television
John Hall's Flying Television
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th February 2023.
Time is 21:23 CT.
XJ Corps.
The flying television is maintained by "Keepers of the Watch". The television is a weapon and tool, practically everything in reality can utilize its arms; Technicians can trap enemies in televised air time and space to be watched later; Players can possibly reveal enemy opponent techniques using a psuedo simulated 'war-theory computer aid';
In the simulation of the flying television, objects are shaped and function as if using the flying television as its 'fathaw'; For instance, there is an object that is held like a lantern however acts a t.v. and can trap enemies inside of it; another object is a FOOD-BASED object for a secret cult that eats edible televisions: you can guess, the television can change its appearance - this has obvious advantages. Televisions can also be used as 'doors' or 'gates' or maybe 'fences' or 'walls' ... we already knew some of this.
There is a horror in the Flying Television Simulation and it is a monster television that flies and acts like a winged dragon....
John Hall's Momento
John Hall's Momento
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th February 2023.
Time is 21:11 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is my video game so fuck yourself if you like it or not. This is about me!
A paranormal detective uses a special video camera to collect footage of a space, room, or environment, such like an old castle or haunted house in america; the space captured can not initially yield paranormal activity, however once the ACTIVATION OBJECT is collected through game-play (or whatever I meant), going back to the camera will verilly yield new material that was once not there..
Includes: POST-GRADE and PROTO-GRADE Memory theory (see my previous 123 page DRAFT).. This means that material can be seen before and vanish afterm or material can not be seen and reveal itself later. Gathering and use of activation object will reveal monster in the video footage at a later date.
The interesting thing is that the monster does not exist until the activation is met, however the paranormal activity that was the cause of investigation was there before the definition of the monster became visible. This is a question: did the monster choose to inhabit the memory of the footage by will? The investigator must be aware that tampering with the footage of a haunted avenue does allow him to be the bringer of his investigation and the conclusion..
Extra: Player can summon monster through footage: See, "John Hall's Flying Television" (later this month).
John Hall's Son of Sound, Weapon of Sound
John Hall's Son of Sound, Weapon of Sound
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th February 2023.
Time is 21:02 CT.
XJ Corps.
Yo! This is a video game about a vibrating sword in the hand of the 'player': the player thrashes the sword as if attacking a target - it then releases a sound wave that is partially visible through the air; These sound weapons are supposed to be collected or something and they can take any shape I desire; Ususally they should be swords that are super cool looking ..
Polarity of sword type is Ecstacy and Pain, and either of those can lead the player to collect more 'auger' (raise power) or 'die' (depth lowers to extremity of death).
John Hall's Particle Object Creator in a Bottle
John Hall's Particle Object Creator in a Bottle
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 27th February 2023.
Time is 20:48 CT.
XJ Corps.
"This bottle can change the shape of particles within it, that are dispersed through a liquid like water, to become the shape and simulation of an object of the users choice."
Top has battery-like system that powers the solution inside of a small vacoule-like bottle with liquid solution or pure hydrogen or other element in it; particles are located within the bottle and can respond to magnetic-electronic effect or equivalent, responding like robots, moving into a final resting position fulfilling the entirey of a 3D object shape; particles can change color. Bottle is like maybe 2.5 inches tall and is cylindrical in shape with a radius of maybe .7 inches. The battery-top can be recharged and plugged into a command-line base that can not use traditional Operating System only for screen code.
Inspiration: putting the light-clone of women into small bottles to watch them as a collection..
See, Peter Pan.
Friday, February 24, 2023
John Hall's Kings' Touch
John Hall's King's Touch
Copyright © 2021 XJ Corps
Today is Friday 24th February 2023.
Time is 18:37 CT.
XJ Corps.
More information is found at my cheap website:
Prophet Deck and Hand.
The choice of King Card from Prophet Deck.
The Trap Card.
Demons, Spells, Angels and Souls, what animals they are represented by.
The Haus, The Etherium, or the Circumvention of Sirens.
The Strategorus: the card or item that breaks the chain of Noise.
The book or army of spirits and the Soul Keep.
The Silent Knight or Hidden Defense.
The Sigiline Object: The sword, rod, wand, or other object to wage chaos against the opponent.
The Special Cards.
End game.
Electronic Version Rough Draft Photos.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
John Hall's Keys of Fire and Ice and Good and Evil
John Hall's Keys of Fire and Ice and Good and Evil
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 21st February 2021.
Time is 21:48 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is my new game that is easy to program because it hardly has any digital images with it; however I think it will be fun because it has some math..
Initial Key Placement.
Math Pattern.
Good and Evil Turnout.
Fire versus Ice.
Good versus Good.
Evil versus Evil.
Good versus Evil.
The Addition (More) Cube.
The Subtraction (Less) Cube.
Points per Successful Completion of Math Pattern.
Points per Successful "Height" (Comparison of Power) Against Opponent.
Doubles, Triples, Fours, Fives... Nines.
Base Number (Reduced), Level Number (for instance W has a level number of 3), Augment Number (W has an Augment number of 3).
End Gamble Adds Fire and Ice and Good and Evil and Picks a Random Key.
Getting to the next addition of Power Key (H becomes HH, HH becomes HHH, etc.).
What happens when Keys runout during play.
Sliding a key to the side to use for later.
Time Key Properties: The shorter the time taken to set the key, the better VERSUS the longer the time taken to set the key, the higher the power.
Time restraints during Rounds.
Final Gamble: Possible "Rise Circle" and How Every instance durign the game is used to calculate a determinant Victory.
The final Summoned Monster: it has a 'sigil-properties' or unique shape that pertains to the previous set keys in such an order to take advantage of thier placement (Cubicle Setup using square placement of keys).
Special Keys: Converting or Sacrificing Key Combos or Trading Keys to Obtain a higher valued Special Key.
Special Keys: Time Keys.
Special Keys: Math Pattern Keys.
Special Keys: Other Keys.
Special Keys: Environment Keys.
Environment Area.
Player uses key powers to get into other areas of the environment and collect all keys to the Ninth Level (that is, for example a key with 9 of the same characters, "YYYYYYYYY"); Keys are used as Battery/Generator for summon words, locator words, etx. to get every FINAL SUMMON MONSTER in the game.
Keys have Ways of opening and shutting things.
Monday, February 20, 2023
John Hall's Staff Projector Digital Game
John Hall's Staff Projector Digital Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 21:44 CT.
XJ Corps.
Staff is around 4.5 feet high and has a projector on it that can play a digital collecting game with an opponent who has a staff.
John Hall's Mal-Animal Den
John Hall's Mal-Animal Den
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 16:25.
XJ Corps.
Animal array has animal names in it. Attache a mal- to the front of the name to get a MAL ANIMAL; the first letter of the name must math the first letter of the first syllable of the animal name. For instance, a Duck will now be called 'Devil Duck'; opposite is the good version of the MAL ANIMAL that uses the last syllable and the last letter of the animal to create a good- adjective or word for the animal. For instance, Duck will now be called 'Knowledge Duck'.
When battling, adjectives can be added to MAL-ANIMALS only by the rules used above. The battle rules are thus:
A good makes a good greater, a mal destroys another mal. Good is greater than mal.
So if the player has an adjective that starts with Y, 'Yucky', that is a mal-adjective or word, then the animal must match: so I guess I'll use the animal "YAK" --->> Yucky Yak.
There is a base power level or whatever I mean, for an animal, an augment level for a Good-adjective, and a destruction level for a Mal-adjective. The good and mal levels are also used for calculating
Yucky Yak with Yak base level 7 with yucky destroy level (multiply) of 5 is a '7 - 5' versus a Youth Yak with Yak base level 3 with youth augment level (multiply) of 7 is a '3 + 7'; Since good does not affect mal adjectives, there is no consequence, we go to base levels, that is 3 versus 7 ---> Yucky Yak beats Youth Yak, however they are Yaks at different base levels. More about this can be detailed later.
Set: '5-2' and '4-7' versus '5+2' and '9-4' -----> 5*4 is 20 versus 9*2 is 18: '5-2' destroys '9-4' - possible keep card if not used too many times, leaving:
'5-2'^ and '4-7' versus '5+2' that is 2 against one so the player with two cards wins the battle, UNLESS it is
'4-7' versus '5+2' that is good adjective is greater than mal-adjective, this has to be defined, '5+2' wins the battle, UNLESS if it is not defined
'4-7' versus '5+2' that is niether can compete via adjective so we go to base animal level, that is 4 versus 5 then '5+2' wins the battle.
John Hall's Random Man
John Hall's Random Man
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 16:16 CT.
XJ Corps.
"He puts himself in every imitation."
0.01. Random Man creates a version of himself for every video game franchise that ever existed since Halloween of 1987. For example, Random Man has created a version of himself as if he was a character for DOOM.
0.011. Random Man puts himself into every video game franchise that ever existed since Halloween of 1987, then imitates the game. For example, Sindicate, for Macintosh, now has Random Man within its imitation version.
0.0111. Random Man imitates every video game franchise with his own version of the franchise that uses similar name or exactly the same name. For example, Parasite Eve is now "Fetal Shadow"..
-Random Man.
John Hall's Pokemon Clock and Key
John Hall's Pokemon Clock and Key
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 16:12 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is John Hall's version of Pokemon. Within is the Pokemon Clock and Pokemon - Key ... Obviously it makes sense for Pokemon trainers to go back in time to get their best score in a battle that will change the outcome of the game. Other Pokemon stuff applies.
There is more to this later.
John Hall's Mage of Cubes
John Hall's Mage of Cubes
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 12:12 CT.
XJ Corps.
Mage of Cubes combats King of Circles and Ruler of Lines using cube collection system.
John Hall's 3D Space Chess
John Hall's 3D Space Chess
Part of USA-XC (United Stars Anomaly Chess Club)
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 11:41 CT.
XJ Corps.
3D Space chess does not really use a board, however uses 3 dimensional spaces in a cube or other 3 dimensional shape that has length, width, and height; So, this is cool - the chess piece or ANOMALY CHESS PIECE, that is a chess piece that moves similar to original chess but is from a different chess, can move like 2 spaces x and 4 spaces y, like a knight but different.
John Hall's Self-Inducing Thermal Cook Pan
John Hall's Self-Inducing Thermal Cook Pan
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 10:26 CT.
XJ Corps.
The pan cooks food without a burner or stove top; put the food into the pan; the pan heats up and cooks the food withut turning ona stove or using gas.
John Hall's Moldable Robot-Particle Mask and Body Suit
John Hall's Moldable Robot-Particle Mask and Body Suit
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 10:13 CT.
XJ Corps.
The mask is robotically moldable; faces can be manipulated with software; face profiles can be saved and reloaded into the mask.
The body suit is similar;y moldable robotic; suit can be manipulated with software and can extend and has super heavy weight allowable material; suit profiles can be saved and reloaded into the suit.
John Hall's Intelligent Wagon
John Hall's Intelligent Wagon
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 10:07 CT.
XJ Corps.
A large wagon follows the owner around while he is walking to the store or else-where; The wagon can be loaded with materials; wagon has tires or other wheel on it; owner does not have to pull the wagon, wagon moves on command or automatically follows the owner.
John Hall's Shadow Image Creator
John Hall's Shadow Image Creator
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 10:04 CT.
XJ Corps.
Light is behind a dyanimcally changing shape using a block system to block light out using a particle system to create the shape using a magnetic or electronic system or other system equivalent using my stuff.
There is something great with this.
Language is Compressed Motion
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 09:08 CT.
XJ Corps.
How can this be used in a video game? I don't have to tell you, faggot.
John Hall's The Breath of Character Design
John Hall's The Breath of Character Design
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Monday 20th February 2023.
Time is 08:52 CT.
XJ Corps.
"He breaths like a snowball."
A snowball breathes through its life animation; it is made through the combination of tempurature and water and a dude that put it together. Again, how does it breath? Breathing is air intake and exhale of energy. So, for a snowball to breath it has to put together with air intake, or in this case the human molding it, and the exhale is the innovative part: the snowball evaporating, obviously after the ice melts.
This has to do with character design because I wanted it to and I don't have to explain my fucking design.
Think of something super cool power like,
"Myriads of realities expire with his every exhale."
(There will be more for this later).
A character from any lame character design obviosly is based from humanoid comprehension, the human shape itself:
1. head and accesories, powerful or benign.
2. torso and similar.
3. legs and similar.
4. arms and similar.
5. hands and similar.
6. feet and similar.
7. sword or weapon of choice.
8. shield or defense object of choice.
9. backpack or back object (cape etc.).
10. 5 senses objects that can enhance battling or character design to complete a Herculean game.
Once again, do not drug or intoxicate me or I will have a bad attitude and you can go fuck yourself.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
John Hall's Aura Rise: Maze Master
John Hall's Aura Rise: Maze Master
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 12:40 CT.
XJ Corps.
Player completes game through collecting the seels of a collection of mazes (maze of mazes); Use Aura to unlatch eye-levers; eye-levers are stored in eyel-bank and look like cool eyes that are ornate or something, these can be round or more geometricly shaped; players can collect mirrors that direct aura; Aura can be trained based on completed objectives and possible time limit; Eye-latches are responsive to directional traveling aura; Eye-latches "eyel", open doors in maze; Aura, if not matching eye-latche, company can add additional player with different aura that will match the eyel.
John Hall's The Yellow Tower
John Hall's The Yellow Tower
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 09:14 CT.
XJ Corps.
The yellow tower has a mind of its own. It built its city, or should I say, they built thier ward... The yellow tower doesn't like being abandoned; if too many people leave its camp, so to say, it will BLOWUP and kill everyone off. So, there has to be at least 1110 people in the camp; if there are any LESS, the tower will kill everyone off!
The Camp and Camp Rules for Yellow Tower.
The Yellow Tower is located in a forested area and it is nice and kind of cool and stuff. There might be four seasons, probably only two, however the YELLOW TOWER can change the image of the landscape at will; as long as the people invested in the area around the YELLOW TOWER wish it, so tower it will be.
The Yellow Tower does something like maybe hologram technology mind wishing, that is it is sort of creepy and gives its camp holograms that they want based on demographics and such...
One time, there was this dude who was super offensive; the yellow tower 'aug-managed' some monsters to kill the dude unless he left the camp!
Other things apply imaginary. The saying is which came first, the yellow tower, or the imagination? I doubt that the yellow tower is vain; who can wage war against it or who would want to....... ( ? )
-The witness of the Yellow Tower, John.
John Hall's Hand of John
John Hall's Hand of John
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 09:07 CT.
XJ Corps.
Hand in the line of sight of camera point of view is omnipotent when it crosses other things behind it in eye. Hand of John, what I just described, can destroy anything it wants or bend anything it wants; this is a cool superpower.
John Hall's Brute Force
John Hall's Brute Force
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 08:58 CT.
XJ Corps.
"We are in a new reality. There are stone statues or something... they look like maybe huge heads however kind of abstract. I knew they knew something or were withholding information.... BUT! How to get it...? I learned from a local professor (witch-doctor) we have to HACK the statue somehow... So, we BRUTE FORCE it with weapons..."
Player needs valueable information to get out of the realm of reality; in order to do this he has to get it from a knowledgeable source; however the only sources there are are large recording devices that look like statues, and they record invisible ghosts or gods in the aether who watch society throughout the land. The recording is done through a data-vortex network.
I don't know.
Environment or Land.
I don't know, yet.
Operating System or Computer Aid.
The aid to brute force hack the recording statues look like a cat's head that is flat-screen and holographic. The screen is in the shape of a cat's head.
Unity Design in Electronic Card Games
Unity Design in Electronic Card Games
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 08:51 CT.
XJ Corps.
Unity is the fabric design that must be followed for all items in a game to be attractive and successful; If Unity does not take place, consumers or players might think that there is something wrong or incorrect with the design of the game. For instance, a really swirly and cursive and silly font can look out of place in a robot-card game where all the other cards are similar to each other and professional.
All items in the game should follow a code of design. If an outsider of the game wished to capitalize and buy a license for the game, if there were not a fabric design of unity, he could end up destorying the sanctity of the original game by selling a non-attractive and licensed version of it. That would destroy the future of the game, and could have worse consequences than that.
A game shoud always follow a strick design for its license and even if it is not allowed to be sold. Also, this is a good idea to remind people that I am the creator of my game, not a loser copy thief.
John Hall's Layer Book Game
John Hall's Layer Book Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Sunday 19th February 2023.
Time is 08:40 CT.
XJ Corps.
Layer book game is inspired by 'pop-up books' and flip-books; layer book has collectible layers that can be uniquely played on top of other layers as a game turn for either player; layers add wieght ot an electronic scale that converts the weight to a 'trade-symbol' that allows the digital collection of some type of prize or creature that can be used to win games or for rarity/increase the value of game collection; For example a game can have 100 layers; the layers will have opque parts to them that will cover the layer beneath it, causing overlapping and only a certain way of 'connecting the layers'.
Layer Directions Example.
A collectible layer should have something unique about it that stands different from other collectible layers; these layers can be as large as a sheet of paper (or more custom design later..) are clear plastic or other clear material with exception to the design that is visible; the esign can be almost anything that fits the game design, like demons: if demons were being used, there could be 8 directions or spaces on the layer where a demon could show up, thats North Suth East and West, and the demon can be overlapped with another layer or something. Also layers can be traversed through like a 'TUNNEL', going from the last layer-environment to the next.
Pop-up Layers.
Translucent Pop-up layers, with exception to design, can be added also.
Book Page Time.
Book layers can be traversed back and forth in-between turns, like going to another reality on a previous layer and redoing the layer. For example, a random game turn allows the player to remove the top 4 layers, discard them, and then add a new layer from his collection on top of his opponent's layer.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
John Hall's "KeyQuest"
John Hall's "KeyQuest" Version 1.0
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 17:44 CT.
XJ Corps.
Shapes based on key-system allow the player to get across 'key-space'; Player can collect these keys and use them arbitrarily.
|. Choose key 'shapes': key shapes can be randomly chosen based on set or deck, etc. and can only have a set number, eg. random number of 11 keys can be combined to create a matrix (array); random index from matrix is chosen for the key-shape.
|. Random spin or contrived spin of 'shape'.
|. Setup of shape onto key-space.
|. Movement of VEHICLE across key-space.
|.First person to next domain in keyspace grants other player a 'snare-key', allowing it to be used whenever the othe rplayer wants.
|. Additional prizes remain on board for completed objectives.
Key Domains.
Key domains are sectors in key-space; these can be based form a theme, like FIRE AND ICE, etc.
Direction of Travel.
Keyspace Direction of travel is anything I want. Additional Content applies.
John Hall's Keyboard Key-Lineup Battle Game
John Hall's Keyboard Key-Lineup Battle Game
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 17:24 CT.
XJ Corps.
Player starts with three keys of thier choosing with unique attacks to them; in player versus computer or opponent, D6 to D100 dice is rolled; the resultant number grants the player the dice roll number as many times to use the amount of collected key-attacks in their own chosen order. For example, if the die roll is "6", and player has three attacks of 'a b c' a combination of key-lineup is 'b a b b b c'; these attacks are used against the opponent at the same time the opponent uses his attacks in a specific order; attacks are superior or inferior to the opponent's and each player attacks at the same time; This is similar to INUYASHA Demon Tournament (that internet flash game I played in early 2000s); A key is collected from the opponent once he is beaten; Keys can be traded or lost.
Additional content applies. This is not finished.
John Hall's Keyboard Phantom-Animal Battle
John Hall's Keyboard Phantom-Animal Battle
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 17:05 CT.
XJ Corps.
Each letterof the keyboard is an ANIMAL-IDOL, or a fantastical animal with an element.
Computer versus player, computer chooses an animal corresponding to the 26 to 36 letter-numbers on the computer keyboard; A random time alotment is set for the winning keypress that must be pressed within 3 seconds; If the animal wins the face-off within the three seconds, it is put into a que for a random time alotment, eg. 15 seconds; after the time alotment is up, the animal is replayed; this can happen up to three times; A final-cut happens when the last time an animal is played it wins, resulting in the opponent getting a point; The player with the most points at the end of the game gets a 'prize item'; pprize items can be used to upgrade key-animals.
Key animals can have properties or elemental advantages to them; for instance, if the key is "g" and g corresponds to a 'DRAGONT' with Flammable element and attack 5, the player can press, "h" for a 'FIRE-HARE' that is attack 10 and that is superior to flammable types. These key-animals should be lined up before play, however can be chosen from a random draw.
Super Case Letters.
Upper case letters are the hieightened 'form' of the key-animal. These can be accessed with enough 'power-battery' (name can be changed later) resulting in super power for the next however many turns it takes.
This is like Rock-Paper-Scissors, mixed with CHESS, and possibly duck-duck-goose.
Game Board.
I want to use lines.
John Hall's "Torture Device"
John Hall's "Torture Device"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 10:38 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is some type of game-show or something. Participants OBVIOUSLY must get compensated for torture or whatever I meant. Big money is granted in form of $5000 WALMART, Amazon, PayPal, Google Play, gift-cards..
John Hall's Echo: The Reign of Hitler Never Ends
John Hall's Echo: The Reign of Hitler Never Ends
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 10:31 CT.
XJ Corps.
Echo is a play on the word "Halo". This is also a military game, however I think mine is better than the other one.
The reign of a potentate spans more than one dimension or reallm of living; For a very powerful war-lord, his effect goes into the thousands of near-equal scenaries that can be invaded and experienced with REAL PEOPLE in them; these people can or can not be targets or subjects of rescue. This game is about completing 1000 scenarios of Hitler's Reign; player can be militant group, completing miliatry 'runs' using a 'time-loop': if the militant is blown up or injured the mission is reversed to original time-start;
There is more to this later.
John Hall's "Instantaneous"
John Hall's "Instantaneous"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 10:22 CT.
XJ Corps.
Instantaneous: the player enters the scene; player goes back in time with objective to fulfill 'report'; Reports start out easy, then get difficult or are bassed on other objectives as game progresses. Example: John wants a birthday cake in his freezer -------> INSTANTANEOUS! he is transfered to a vision lucid 'cater', that is an expericence that is seemingly real enough to have consequence of real action, so if it had happened based on cause and effect, the past can be completed after the present wish: therefore, in order to get the birthday cake into his freezer INSTANTANEOUSLY (a split second), John goes to 'cater vision' (past), and manipualtes the 'strings' using alternate aliases, human and non-human, to get the cake there; After returning to the scene, memory is 'fissioned': "It was all a blurry memory" --- John opens the freezer and the cake is in there. Player goes to next objective. Game uses cool blurr vision while completing a report, or whatever I want to call it.
John Hall's Floating On Water Sphere City
John Hall's Floatting On Water Sphere City
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Saturday 18th February 2023.
Time is 10:11 CT.
XJ Corps.
Sphere is used as inspiration for architecture of float-on-water real-estate or even as large as a CITY. The city sphere is level somehow with gyroscopic, wieght, density, or other technology. Sphere city should include an engine to allow it to move around, however the engine is like a Circular Ring engine that goes around the circumfrence of the sphere, acting as a "RING-FIN".
There is a possibility for the CENTER of the sphere city to be the command post.
More details will be added later.
Friday, February 17, 2023
John Hall's MIX THIS GAME - Episode 2: "Prophet RUN"
John Hall's MIX THIS GAME - Episode 2: "Prophet RUN"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 17th February 2023.
Time is 19:39 CT.
XJ Corps.
Welcome back to MIX THIS GAME, created by John Hall (me). Today we are mixing two games into one entirely new game. Let's go!
Game 1, ---> Baseball.
Game 2, ---> Cross Country.
1. Objective: Hit the ball once it is pitched, get to home base to collect points. Have highest score after 18 rounds.
2. Objective: Collect points based on leaderboard or cross country runner place. For example, the top ten runner spots can clinch the meet.
MIX TIME! New GAME: "Prophet Run"
"Each team has a lineup of prophets or characters with powers: these powers are to summon or contorl the elements or heavens for a specific amount of time.
Step one: the prophet calling ---> the prophet cvg character uses his stats to summon based on his character/prophet type. For instance, if the prophet type is 'SOLAR', the the prophet uses one of his solar-calling moves to summon the sun; This is like animated with a large sun moving across the sky at the rate of maybe a random spec based on the stat of the propbhet caller (like a baseball hit); Similarly the prophet can MISS a call;
When a summon has been made, there are what is called ARCHETYPE IMAGE of the team the player is usinng, these can be picked out beforehand with different ARCHETYPE categories; the archetype is like all of the baseball positions, however they can be INCARNATED only by the PROHPET and the rest of the TEAM: so listen, this is like if PROPHET CALLER is a SUN SIGN, then ALL THE ARCHETYPES incarnate with the SUN SIGN DOMINATING and the PRohet Caller imbued in the body of the usual prophet that hold it; every time a new prophet steps up to the plate, the new prophet incarnates into the other field players.
The RUN.
While to say the SOLAR PROPHET CALL HAPPENS, there is ASSET TIME, this is when all prophets can use thier abilities, with the incarnate head prophet, to 'RUN' or get to the farthest metaphysical distance possible, or farthest distance depending; once the solar instance has been completed or stopped (in case of a prophet using a power) the DISTANCE of the prohpets is logged.
FLAGS/End game.
Like baseball, getting to a base or FLAG that is like a CHEKCPOINT guarantees going back to the FLAG; 3 to 10 flags completed guarantees 1 point. Players compete with eachother attempting to get prophets across 'DISTANCE' (figurative or literal or metaphorical or technical, etc.); The most points collected COMBINED WITH THE SPOTS OF THE PROPHETS FROMEACH TEAM wins the game. Like Cross country, as many as 10 teams can play against eachother. This game is more fantastic than a regular human sports contest.
A Prophet who has 10 points and gets first place is 10 x 10 that is 100 units, while a prophet who has 4 points and gets first place is 4 x 10 that is 40 points. Here is an example for 2 players with four positions in a 'race' or PROPHT RUN:
position 1: A Prophet has 6 points.
position 2: A Porphet has 4 points.
position 3: B Prophet has 8 points.
position 4: B Prophet has 8 points.
So you can see, even though top two positions are won by A Prophet Team
leading to 96 points, B Prophet Team has 120 points using this example calualtion method. Althoughthe ACTUAL method should disperse the numberof players along a CURVE (4 positions leades to 1.0 | 0.75 | 0.5 | 0.25.."
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 17th February 2023.
Time is 18:52 CT.
XJ Corps.
Today we are mixing two different games to complete an entireyle new game from both of thier premises!
The games are as follows:
Kick the Can -- Like Hocky, but not..
Simulator Conversation Maker -- Like The Sims, however not..
SO! Now we will mix the games to create a new one! IT is...
1. Objective: go to meeting are and collect information. Store information in a digital log to makes connections; based on connections items to complete the game are collected.
2. Objective: Crush a soda-can into a puck like shape. Kick it into the goal.
Now, mesh the two!
"A Detective has a secret apartment where he keeps a collection of weapons, newspapers, and information he ciphoned from the large city nearby. He is up for hire: one day he gets a call, a new assignment! Go to 'ground Q' (curiousity site) to collect evidence; however to do this, in order to get the real info, the detecive has to battle a shadowy suspect in the nearby area with... a new device: THE ABLE-CAN. The able-can is like a crushed alluminum soda-can however it has cool properties. yeah. It sort of looks like a metalic reel holder from hollywood and it can expand upward into the shape of a pop-can to allow things to be put inside of it, then tehcnologically possibly shrink back down to a puck like shape;
The Detective can use the able can to create zones or as a weapon, e.g. 'freeze zones'; or the able-can can do other things that are fantastical; The detective causes the can power to begin after KICKING IT in the direction he wants or is required; Using combinations of able-cans helps beat the shadowy suspect; Once the suspect has been beaten by contest, HE MUST reveal inofrmaiton into the mystery case.
The detective then must go back to his secret apartment somewhere, even if it cannot be found on the map, and log the information that he collected; BEWARE! there are 'snipers': individuals who ambush the detectivebefore he gets back to his apartment to steal the information that was collected in a special carying case or recording device...
Once the ACTUACL BAD-GUY suspect is found, game goes into BOSS MODE (traditional), where the boss if beaten give the detecive 'SUPER-CLUE-POWER' like super speed, advanced intelligence, mind-reading, super sight, night vision, etc.
Beating all the BOSSES opens up the game to ONLINE PLAY, where all users can post their own mysteries and hire custom ABLES, and can compete across the internet or network.
Able-cans are globally dynamic, they change based on who in the game is using it overall; for instance, if Detective Bgudd is using the Red, white and blue able-can, and if it is not a very high percentage of succesful power hits or whatever I meant, then the player detective will start using it with a less advantage. The player can use able-cans with most advantage based on higher successful global statistics.
Noir 3D Film Effect.
Allows player to go back to original sites and looka ta them in any perspective allowable. For instance, from 20 feet away, 5 feet away, 5 feet above ground, 15 feet below ground, etc. in any dircetion.
This part is not discussed.
Super power of KICK!
This super power is especially advantageous: it give the detective a boost in any stat or porperty he wants for a limited time ( like CAFFEINE).
John Hall's Pulling A String Pulls Strings
John Hall's Pulling A String Pulls Strings
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 17th February 2023.
Time is 19:05 CT.
XJ Corps.
This is the world where you have to pull on a string to cause something to happen! For example, vehicles do not have steering wheels; instead they have pull strings. To move, one must pull a string; to talk, one must pull a string; to collect, one must pull a string; pulling strings pulls strings; there are strings attached.
John Hall's The Secret World of Homeless People
John Hall's The Secret World of Homeless People
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Friday 17th February 2023.
Time is 18:33 CT.
XJ Corps.
Trashcontainers are entrences to underground; Tunnel networks can only transport homeless people around the city; Homeless people have supernatural powers and talk to eachother vie invisible hp network; Homeless people can travel back and forth between continents with homeless people netowork.
I don't remember all of it.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
John Hall's Trifox
John Hall's Trifox
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Thursday 16th February 2023.
Time is 23:20 CT.
XJ Corps.
Sonic, Lux, Force, and The Dark. These are the three things and the one in the center that make the TRIFOX.
Sonic is sound and speed.
Lux is light and tempurature.
Force is animation and intelligence.
The Dark is the center and origin of the Trifox and also is the end and regeneration of the three outside things.
John Hall's Audio-Creature Kingdom
John Hall's Audio-Creature Kingdom
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Thursday 15th February 2023.
Time is 22:55 CT.
XJ Corps.
An audio-creature (or 'audio-being')is the term I invented for invisible beings that are alive through their sound, ring, sonic, or in other words audio and heard right, or whatever I meant; This is interesting because these audio-creatures do not have visible bodies, or not, however they can be heard when they move and stuff; for instance, a person can hear a random audio -creature, like if it was going through the air, such like a bird, it might have a call or something. In this case it could definitely be heard flying through space: its location can be pinpointed, or not, depending on the rights of the creature. I did not want to say audio-animal because it is not really based on animals, that have DNA, or robots that have a really heavy and probably metallic base, however this audio-creature is something a little different concerning its 'biological' or equivalent makeup, so to say. Another interesting thing that I enjoy about this audio-creature, is that it has possibly a form - who knows what could happen: however the form can only show itself when we wish to play it, it can exist autonomically or independent of user wish or command, OR other things can apply (what happens if I record an audio-creature and play the recording in a different space? Is it the same audio-creature. I'll categorize that later). Even an audio-creature can have combinations of themselves coexisting with eahcother, like an orchestra (one audio-creature can be a combination of multiple sounds in one space); Also, this gives opportunity for other types of sound, including telepathic; An audio creature has many possibilities in my future-mind; I am excited to see what comes of this.
There should be more on this later.
John Hall's MegaloBaby
John Hall's MegaloBaby
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Thursday 16th February 2023.
Time is 18:00 CT.
XJ Corps.
Megalobaby is the center of everything!
Baby: "I am the Center, of everything!"
What is center? For one, it is mathematical.
John Hall's Flat Tire Hot Sauce
John Hall's Flat Tire Hot Sauce
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Thursday 16th February 2023.
Time is 17:57 CT.
XJ Corps.
"Put this hot sauce onto a rubber inflatable tire and watch . . . . it will flatten..!!"
John Hall's "US is Five."
John Hall's "US is Five."
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Thursday 16th February 2023.
Time is 17:54 CT.
XJ Corps.
'If a god head is Not named.. how can we summon its power?'
John Hall's Sphere Chess Wooden Board
John Hall's Sphere Chess Wooden Board
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Thursday 16th February 2023.
Time is 17:49 CT.
XJ Corps.
Spherical wooden 'globe' board for chess playing. Wooden chess pieces are magnetic and stick to the metal inside of the spherical globe. Chess sphere can levitate and rotate above a floating plane.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
John Hall's Windmill Diary
John Hall's Windmill Diary
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Time is 23:37 CT.
XJ Corps.
Chapter H. - The diary of Annie.
Chapter I. - The top floor of the Windmill.
Chapter J. - The Kingdom of the Wind.
Chapter K. - The ladder to the Sky.
Chapter L. - The Sky Door.
Chapter M. - The land of Night and windmills on fire.
Chapter N. - There are other Windmills; The Windmill Network.
Chapter O. - The forest outside of the River.
Chapter H Ocatve 2. - The book of Rain.
Chapter I Octave 2. - The Cemetery of Fog.
Chapter J Octave 2. - Floating through Branches.
Chapter K Ocatve 2. - Return to the Windmill.
Chapter L Ocatve 2. - Chorus of the Sky, Chorus of the Wind.
Chapter M Ocatve 2. - Fantastical Torque!
Chapter N Ocatve 2. - The Princess of Tempest.
Chapter O Octave 2. - Greatness Awaits.
John Hall's "Synapse of the Chorus"
John Hall's "Synapse of the Chorus"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Time is 23:09 CT.
XJ Corps.
"Birds are beings of the air."
One table has levitation properties acting as game board; pieces are FLOCKS, groups of BIRD with respective properties, and float above the one table, possibly through magnetism; holographic flocks are animated and have 'power-moves' to contest the opponents FLOCK pieces: the animations are set above the piece in real time. Within the FLOCK and the ONE TABLE is the SYNAPSE allowing for movement into designated game sectors; movement is contrived based on SONICS of the FLOCKS intermingling or interaction combined. Power is metered or correlated with "GENIUS" property of BIRD or FLOCK.
John Hall's Fargon Sheer
John Hall's Fargon Sheer
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Time is 23:00 CT.
XJ Corps.
Baby is far away... the shepard of the herd can still feel his effects about the valley. This concept is especially translated into the game. Travel to shops and towns within the map of Fargon to herd 'cloud-sheep'; this is easy. Objectives:
|. Keep sheep inside pen.
|. Excercise sheep with excercise "videos" (special).
|. Guard the sheep with wolf-dogs.
|. Guard the wolf-dogs with Daemon-Fairies.
|. Elicit wolf-dogs from foreign dimension.
|. Unique game mechanics not explained.
The shepard can upgrade his reality with items that can be collected on hunting missions, those require the wolf-dog to stay;
John Hall's Pirate Tool
John Hall's Pirate Tool
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Time is 22:45 CT.
XJ Corps.
Jo Fira Heiht is a space pirate with a really cool Pirate Ship that I designed myself. Now, he is really not a baby (baby); he can take whatever he wants from babies (baby), which is like maybe.... gay.
Tool: "Captain! There's gay over the horizon!"
Heiht: "Yes! Yes! That's what I call gay!"
Tool is a sexy side kick or something and she is something. She helps Heiht with the ship duties or whatever I meant.
Booty (baby).
Booty is all about GAY, a substance and element and stone or mineral that is harvested and really valuable on Planet Earth. ..
"If they can create GAY from nothing, how is this possible to compete!"
"It is not about competing; it is about cheating the cheater..."
Special: Kill and Raise.
The enemies of Heiht and Tool, acting as babes who are really upset with modern weapons, they can be killed off, however they can be revived or raised in several ways and added to the pirate ship Soul Population. The population has a special attribute to it, traveling with the ship or being the ship itself. The population has a personality, in the entirety or through any member.
John Hall's "GoodBye"
John Hall's "GoodBye"
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Wednesday 15th February 2023.
Time is 21:26 CT.
XJ Corps.
My "GoodBye" (John Hall) removes unwanted POTION (INTOXICANT) from my TIME (body).
There will be more details later.
-John Hall.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
John Hall's "BZ Hive Combat" - First Post
John Hall's "BZ Hive Combat" - First Post
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuesday 14th February 2023.
Time is 18:24 CT.
XJ Corps.
Units stay in very large tower with much 'girth', keeping a population of 5000 inside, like a beehive; BZ towers are spaced wide apart as if home base or aircraft carrier; units disperse across long distance missions to compete with opponent BZ Colonies using flying vehicles like flying motorcycles or larger carrier for more cargo or units; in air combat only acceptable with limited exception (later); combat rules will be added later; units return to base completely in air or through air; BZ tower initial shape is very large rectangle cube reaching up to around 5 miles high by 3 mi wide by 3 mile long.
First Post.
A first Post could be a fuel plant or other special locative resource planted during mission.
John Hall's '3D Liquid Container Looking Glass'
John Hall's '3D Liquid Container Looking Glass'
Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall
Today is Tuseday 14th February 2023.
Time is 15:40 CT.
XJ Corps.
JH3DLG, uses 'small particles' called "tint" that are robotic, similar to MY INVENTION illustrated at HARVARD. This was based off of some crap that I threw together because I am a genius:
Instead of a TABLE, JH3DLG uses a VACOULE OR TANK OR CONTAINER OF LIQUID where the sides of the tank can be completely opaque (you can see through them); these swimmers, or robots that act like DRONE TECHNOLOGY in water, I call 'TINTS' do practically the same thing as my earlier invention: synchronizing with eachother using a main or remote control system THAT IS SENT THROUGH THE ELECTRIC CURRENT IN THE LIQUIDOUS SOLUTION, robots, or "tints" thereby can move spacial-mathematically using the AMBIENT-ENERGY CODE within;
The mind of each robot responds based on uploaded and preconcieved programming inherent in the natural behavior of each robot while also taking 'sugesstion' from the 3D shape equation pushed through the electrified liquid, acting as an invisible mind or subliminal 'colony daemon'.
This obviously allows for unique three dimensional shapes inside of the liquid container, and this can be achieved differently every time the program is executed.
Remember these TINTS (robot particles) are in a liquid setup, water or water-like, inside of a container; The "tints" are so called because they can change color.
Another way to bring this invention is to use CARD-like robots, they have a rectangular shape, so this can be like a building setup, and also they may be able to change color on the face of the 'card'. Additionally, this is important because they will have the possibility to have Genus-Programming, or different programming based on CATEGORY OR UNIQUE 3D SHAPE.
Original Text (author) -------->> here :
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Inventions: 3D Projection by Algorithm via Placement of Particles in a System
14:56 EST
Just to let you know, this is a short description of what could be elaborated. Originally, an idea sent to the United States Military (4-8 years ago).
In other news, other things needed to be expounded.
1.) New Google Glasses Idea.
2.) Mass Citizen Freedom of a Prisoner Idea.
Inventions: 3D Projection by Algorithm via Placement of Particles in a System
This is a system to make possible the ability to project a 3D object from a virtual reality to a real physical setting using particles, a.k.a. the 'grains of sand', and the algorithm of the shape to be projected into real space. In this system there are initially two (2) types of particles that can also be represented by other factions or subtypes within the category that may have different alterations in shape (number of sides, size, etc.).
The two initial types of particles are as follows:
(1.) HEXA-HEDRON or "BALL" That 3D object in the shape resembling a "BALL", initially a hexa-hedron, or 'hex-sphere', has 24 sides to it and is as small as a grain of sand.
(2.) DIAMOND or "JACK" That 3D object in the shape of a diamond resembling a "JACK", initially has 8 sides to it and is as small as a grain of sand.
figure 1. Two types of 3D particle shapes (objects).
FUNCTIONS: These particles function within an entire system of possibly 1000s of others (similar to a sandbox with sand or an ant colony). They are mini-mother boards waiting for an electric current to be run through them, thereby giving them artificial intelligence (A.I.) and also the ability to have limited robotic motion to move freely around other particles within the system. The movement is based on a preset algorithm or function that determines how far each particle should move. Consequently, each particle works together like a system of particles to lodge themselves into a position that fulfills the requirement made by the algorithm to make a certain 3D shape in real space. The electric current holds two functions: it simultaneously sends the algorithm for the shape to be construed or built and also makes possible the ability for each particle to utilize their magnetism to robotically move around each other (see figure 2).
figure 2. Particles robotically moving to the correct positions via magnetism and applied electric current.
Each particle has a chip on it, a mother board, to allow them to act as independent particles within the system, but also as a system as a whole. Ultimately, once again, the electric current is run through the system, thereby passing the data to each particle to form a physical 3D structure that holds while the particles are magnetized, which may or may not be limited to while the electric current is run through them.
14:56 EST
Just to let you know, this is a short description of what could be elaborated. Originally, an idea sent to the United States Military (4-8 years ago).
In other news, other things needed to be expounded.
1.) New Google Glasses Idea.
2.) Mass Citizen Freedom of a Prisoner Idea.
Inventions: 3D Projection by Algorithm via Placement of Particles in a System
This is a system to make possible the ability to project a 3D object from a virtual reality to a real physical setting using particles, a.k.a. the 'grains of sand', and the algorithm of the shape to be projected into real space. In this system there are initially two (2) types of particles that can also be represented by other factions or subtypes within the category that may have different alterations in shape (number of sides, size, etc.).
The two initial types of particles are as follows:
(1.) HEXA-HEDRON or "BALL" That 3D object in the shape resembling a "BALL", initially a hexa-hedron, or 'hex-sphere', has 24 sides to it and is as small as a grain of sand.
(2.) DIAMOND or "JACK" That 3D object in the shape of a diamond resembling a "JACK", initially has 8 sides to it and is as small as a grain of sand.
figure 1. Two types of 3D particle shapes (objects).
.. [object missing]
figure 2. Particles robotically moving to the correct positions via magnetism and applied electric current.
Each particle has a chip on it, a mother board, to allow them to act as independent particles within the system, but also as a system as a whole. Ultimately, once again, the electric current is run through the system, thereby passing the data to each particle to form a physical 3D structure that holds while the particles are magnetized, which may or may not be limited to while the electric current is run through them.
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John Hall's The Yellow Tower Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall Today is Sunday 19th February 2023. Time is 09:14 CT. XJ Corps. Descripti...
John Hall's Flying Television Copyright © 2023 John Edward Hall Today is Monday 27th February 2023. Time is 21:23 CT. XJ Corps. Descript...
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